Adapting to Life in a Wheelchair

Regardless of if you have been restricted to a wheelchair because of age or injury, it can be a challenging life transition to endure. Here are three things to keep in mind as you navigate this new season in life and learn how to adapt to the wheelchair lifestyle.

Lifestyle Modifications

It is imperative that your home is made safe to accommodate a wheelchair. Having a handicapped-accessible home will make your life so much easier. Even if you have been active before being confined to a wheelchair, you can take heart knowing that there is still a myriad of activities that you can participate in. It is also imperative to practice good posture while sitting in the chair so that you do not develop issues such as scoliosis and pressure sores.

Beware of Health Complications

One of the biggest challenges of being confined to a wheelchair is the health complications that may arise as a result. This prolonged state of sitting restricts blood flow and may deprive your cells of crucial nutrients and oxygen. The chance of developing diabetes increases because the body may secrete excessive amounts of insulin. Muscle atrophy is also a common problem when confined to a wheelchair. 

To combat these issues, it is important that you are especially conscious of eating a diet rich in nutritious foods. Making the effort to get in a few hours of cardiovascular and strength work each week will go a long way in helping you to mitigate the health complications associated with wheelchair use.


The changes associated with transitioning to a wheelchair can be expensive. Not only do you need to pay for the actual chair, but you also need to make your home accessible. Your shower also needs to be able to accommodate a wheelchair or at least a special chair designed to provide support while showering. All of this extra cost can end up leading to a significant financial toll. If you do not have disability insurance, there are a variety of financial assistance programs designed to help you bridge the gap between what you can afford and what you need. 

While it is natural to be challenged by adapting to life in a wheelchair, there are steps that you can take to make this process easier. Gathering information, leaning on your support system, and being proactive about your overall health will all combine to make the transition as easy as possible.

Adjusting to life in a wheelchair can be difficult to navigate, but LinC Financial Group can help. We help seniors find excellent health insurance, gap-policies, disability plans, and short-term medical care. Send us a message to learn more.

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