
health insurance

What is Health Insurance?

Health insurance is a plan that covers all, or most, of your medical risks. Many insurance companies are now focusing on preventative care, in hopes to find warning signs of medical issues before they happen. A majority of insurance companies are covering the cost of medical screenings, vaccines, and counseling. Some will even give you incentives for making healthy choices, such as a discount for going to the gym or joining a weight management program.

Who Needs Health Insurance?

Well legally, everyone, but let’s not get into semantics. 😉 As of right now, if you do not have health insurance, you will be penalized. So instead of who needs it, let’s focus on why you want it. You want insurance because you don’t want to pay massive medical bills. A major medical event could completely derail your future. It could affect what insurance you can get in the future, it can bankrupt you, and instead of focusing on healing properly, you get to deal with the stress of those medical bills. But wait, there’s more! It doesn’t just affect you, that stress and financial burden can mess with our family members too.

But you’re lucky; you’re healthy, something that big couldn’t possibly happen to you. So why worry? Here’s the thing: lots of people think they are healthy, but when they go for a regular health check, they find out they are dead wrong. Yes, I am trying to scare you. You need a healthy amount of fear because that can keep you healthy.  Instead of assuming you’re healthy and hoping for the best, get insurance; get regular check-ups and screenings and KNOW you are healthy. And if you’re not healthy, taking care of it right away is a lot cheaper, takes less time and is easier to deal with. Give yourself your best chance, with health insurance.

LinC & Health Insurance

We know health insurance plans today are complicated. Therefore are constantly looking for new and better plans to provide for our customers. We are well-educated in both Medicare and ACA and get recertified every year. We are contracted with about twenty different Medicare plans, two different Christian health-share plans, we also have gap-policies, disability plans, and short-term medical care. With so many times of health insurance covering different things, it can get confusing. Call us, and we can clear things up for you and help you make the best choice for you and your family. Our number is 765-323-8416.