Why a Simple Oral Screening Could Save Your Life

Your teeth are a top priority when it comes to your overall health. Brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash should already be a regular part of your routine. You visit your dental hygienist twice a year for a professional cleaning. Your dentist should be a part of your healthcare team as well. Your annual visit ensures that there are no problems with your teeth. You may not be aware that your dentist is performing an oral cancer screening as well. Checking for any abnormalities in your mouth, such as cysts or tumors, allows your dentist to be proactive. Catching problems early on could save your life.

Why Have an Oral Cancer Screening?

Nearly ten thousand people in America die from oral cancer every year. The reason the death rate is so high is due to a lack of early detection. Too many victims of oral cancer are diagnosed when the disease has progressed to a severe stage that is difficult to treat. Visiting your dentist to have your gums, tongue, and the inside of your mouth evaluated is a way to help you to catch anything of concern before it is too late. It’s a simple evaluation that will take place during your annual exam. If you have any kind of concerns, such as sores that won’t go away or a bump inside your mouth that seems unusual, don’t be afraid to make an appointment to have your mouth checked. According to the Mayo Clinic, your dentist may even request a biopsy or ask you to rinse with a special dye during your visit to pinpoint any abnormal cells in your mouth.

How are Oral Health and Overall Health Related?

Research has shown that poor oral health often correlates with other health issues in your body. You may be more prone to heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease if you don’t take care of your mouth. While oral cancer screening is an essential component of your annual exam, your dentist will be on the lookout for other problems as well. This is another reason why diet and nutrition play such a vital role in your physical health. Eating a food high in processed foods, sugars, and other problematic foods can put you higher at risk for developing health complications. Per Murfreesboro Family Dentistry, if you eat sugary foods, make sure to brush your teeth as quickly as possible, floss, and do a good rinse with water after. By taking excellent care of your teeth you are working with your dental care professional in taking the best care of your body that you can. When you work together to keep your mouth and teeth healthy, your whole body will benefit.

How Can Your Oral Cancer Screening Benefit You?

When you come in for your regular exam, your dentist is checking for tooth decay, damaged teeth, and any fillings that may need prepare. Gum disease is another concern. Checking for anything abnormal can do more than save your teeth — it could keep oral cancer from growing or spreading to other parts of your body. When detected in its earliest stages, the ability to treat it effectively increases drastically.

All of these come together to why even simple oral screenings could save your life. If you’re taking good care of your teeth, you don’t have as much to worry about. But as that old adage goes, “it’s better to be safe, than sorry.”

Some of the reasons people don’t go to the dentist as often as they should is sadly because they don’t have sufficient dental insurance and the cost can be too much. If you find yourself in that situation, please don’t hesitate and see how we can help!

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